Helping clients change habits
What does the science say about how our brains form and change habits? In this Craft of Coaching episode, I'm talking about how to help your clients learn how to change habits, even change habits they've had for a long time.
Group coaching how-to
Today, on the podcast, I’m walking you through a group coaching how to, talking about how coaches who have primarily been coaching one-on-one can start extracting the skill-set of individual coaching, into a group coaching environment.
Coaching and Ethics
In this episode, I talk about why it's unethical to work with certain clients--clients who are much better helped by someone else in the helping professions who has more training and licensure.
Certified life coach training programs: is certification required?
Do coaches need certification? What does a certified life coach training program include? That's the topic we're discussing in today's Craft of Coaching episode.