Multi-potentialite Coaching with Sarah Silvas
Sarah Silvas is a classic multi-potentialite: she’s a coach, yoga instructor, restorative justice leader, artist, and more. Instead of thinking that she has to give up on one of these and “just focus,” she weaves all of these elements into her practice.
Coaching for Introverts with Lisa Chartrand
Think that you’re too introverted to become a coach? Lisa Chartrand would disagree. Those who are introverted or who want to learn more practical skills for coaching introverts will want to hear Lisa’s take on the power of introverts.
The Gift of Coaching
I’m releasing a new book: The Gift of Coaching. It’s all about the art of coaching, how we keep our eye on coaching as craft, and how to identify issues within the coaching industry that need correction.
Uncoachable Clients and Client Resistance
In the coaching industry, there’s a term that we’re not a fan of: the “uncoachable” client. How do you help clients who are going through heavy client resistance, without labeling them “uncoachable”?