Embrace the inner critic
Most coaching techniques involve avoiding, placating, or attacking the inner Critic--but you can give your clients something more. Let’s go beyond perpetuating self-abuse, and relate to the internal Critic, differently. In this episode, learn advanced techniques for helping clients to embrace the inner critic.
Focus your business, be less busy
In this episode, I’m talking to those coaches who know they feel intimidated by the idea of entrepreneurship: it’s time to focus your business priorities and be less busy. I’m offering easy, simple, implementable ideas for how to get focused (including the top three business priorities I suggest new coaches focus on).
Helping clients take action
Helping clients take action starts with the power of the coaching relationship and the clarity that is gained from each session--and it extends to the practices that are happening in between sessions. Helping clients take action with practices that maximize what can happen in coaching is the focus of today’s episode.
Adopting a growth mindset
Here’s something important for every coach to know about themselves: are you adopting a growth mindset? If you’re not, it could keep you--and your clients--from moving forward in the was that you want to. There’s a special message in here, as well, for any coach who has felt discouraged lately around how her coaching practice is evolving!