Kate Swoboda Kate Swoboda

Helping Clients Focus on What They Can Control

Today's episode is part of our Skill Drill series and we're offering an exercise that you can use with your clients to help clients focus on what they can control. We live in a world full of things that we have no control over, and getting attached to outcomes and frustrated when we can't control things does not serve our clients. Using this exercise, you'll empower clients to focus on what they can control and start releasing attachment to the things in life that they can't.

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Kate Swoboda Kate Swoboda

The Top 5 Best Coaching Questions to Ask

Wondering where to start with what questions to ask your clients? Or do you already have your questions that you love to ask, and you want some new questions to explore to energize your client sessions? These are the top 5 best coaching questions to ask clients to stimulate new ways of thinking, mindset shifts, and help clients move into proactively making changes.

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Kate Swoboda Kate Swoboda

Careers in Coaching

When most people think of becoming a life coach, they're imagining a one-on-one private practice working with clients. The growth of the life coaching industry has paved the way for far more career options than just a one-on-one coaching practice, and in today's skill drill I'm giving you an overview of careers in coaching that go beyond just one-on-one client work.

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Kate Swoboda Kate Swoboda

Morning Routines That Maximize Your Potential

If you're running a coaching business as a side hustle while you juggle a full-time job, parenting, or other responsibilities, then you definitely want to listen in on today's episode to maximize your personal morning routine. With a few simple shifts to your morning routine, you can maximize each day's potential by starting off feeling more resourced and ready for the day. This episode gets into some of the biological factors to consider that make waking up easier so that you can start your day feeling energized.

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