life coaching and full time job
Starting a Life Coaching Business While Working Full-Time
Most people who transition to life coaching are working on starting their life coaching business while they also work full-time. This is a necessary reality for most people who have bills to pay and need time to develop and grow a business. Life coaching, as a business, is like any other business—it takes time to develop your messaging, brand, and find clients and generate referrals. At CLCC, we believe that it’s a healthy choice for a coach to make, to decide that while they are building their life coaching business, they also work full-time to support themselves and not cause unnecessary stress.
So, how do you do it? How do you balance the two?
1. You've got to be clear about your priorities. Yes, the time you spend in coach training or building your business is going to mean that you'll need to say "no" to other things. But consider that in the overall span of your life, and especially compared to the 4+ years that many people spend going to college full-time, the time invested often reaps results much faster. The years you spend building a business foundation are what pave the way for a different future in a career where you feel aligned.
Once you get going in a full-time job as a life coach those initial years spent building your business feel worth it when you don't have to wake up to an alarm clock and haul yourself into a car for an awful commute to work for a soul-sucking job that you absolutely hate. Get clear about your priorities.
2. You've got to align your time, with your priorities. Ask yourself whether or not Facebook, Netflix, or adding to your Pinterest board is your truest priority. Do a time audit and make sure you get rid of time wasters. Don’t wait to work on growing your coaching practice when you’re fed up because your boss at your soul-sucking job asks you to take on twenty little tasks that aren't even really part of your job description. Get better about saying no, or about bowing out of such tasks in some other way such as delegating them. Align your time with your priorities.
3. Focus on the prize. When you are creating a life that you truly believe in, you’re going to have difficult days—so focus on the prize. Focus on the end game. Focus on how much you value what you are creating. If it really matters to you? You won't complain as much about doing what it takes. Focus more on the positive outcome you're working towards, than the negative aspects of the resistance you feel.
Building any business comes with challenges. You won’t simply build it and then watch the clients flow in. Creating your career is going to require time and commitment—but for many people who decide to pivot their careers, they’d much rather put that effort into their own dreams than into the soul-sucking corporate job where they could get laid off at any minute. Even building a coaching career as a simple side hustle (remote, your own hours, etc) can give people a bit of wiggle room with finances or an opportunity to save, while doing something that they love.
Where do you want to be in six months or a year? You can start training with us and begin the path to becoming a life coach and mastering the skill-set--and from there, transitioning to a career that has you feel fully alive.